Monday, May 28, 2007

I haven’t been able to write for the last few weeks because I’ve been locked away in Norwich Prison.

With William’s encouragement, I went into Norwich to have a look round. It was very strange. Many parts seemed familiar, but others were really weird. I eventually realised that there were large chunks of the city – whole rows of shops for instance – just missing. I tried to be systematic, and looked closely at each building, while I complied a list of what was there.

Finally I realised that it wasn't what was there, but what was missing, which made the place seem so strange. I couldn't find a single pub, cinema, theatre – no places of entertainment at all. Nor were there any radio or TV shops, or even shops selling music.

What with that, and most people being dressed in black, the place was really, really gloomy.

Around mid-day the streets cleared. I hadn’t spotted it immediately – it was only after I noticed how quiet everywhere was that I realised I was the only person left on the street. Two minutes later I’d been arrested.

I got a five-day sentence for not observing public prayers, and a ten-day one for blasphemy in a public place (I’d sworn as I was being arrested).

This clearly is a very fundamentalist religious state.

They took my wristpad away from me in prison. I’m writing this in the park (at least there are still parks here) as I’m not sure what to do next. William and Sarah must have wondered what happened to me; I suspect though that they would be shocked to find they have been harbouring a religious dissenter. I’ve still got the two pounds that William gave me, so I can at least eat for a while.

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